At Edinburgh Dental Specialists we love making dentures! The team regularly lecture to dentists on removable dentures. In 2014 Dr. Lochhead was asked to present to the British Society of Prosthodontics at their annual conference in Dundee. This is a society made up of all the specialist prosthodontists from the dental hospital and private practice environment.
In 2015 he was asked to present on removable dentures at the annual British Dental Conference in Manchester. This is the biggest dental conference in the UK with many thousands of dentists attending.
Integral to the skills of the prosthodontists are the skills of the dental technician. We don't "send" our denture work to an outside laboratory , we are so committed to achieving the best results that we have employed our own onsite prosthodontic technicians (Bruce Innes and Sean McKenna). Bruce and Sean have worked with us for many years and are able to take the information that you, and we, give them to produce the very highest quality restorations.
We are one of only a few laboratories to have invested in the latest IVOCLAR injection moulding techniques to ensure that we produce strong, accurate fitting dentures every time.
Many people have problems with removable dentures either because of a poor appearance or confidence destroying and embarrassing mobility. This does not have to be the case. As specialists in the fabrication of these restorations, our guarantee to you is that once treatment has begun we will work with you to resolve your problems to the best of our abilities. Treatment is not completed until you are happy with the results achieved or the limit of what is possible has been reached.
Removable dentures (false teeth) are used to replace missing teeth and gums. They can replace all the teeth ("complete" or "full" dentures) or just a few teeth ("partial denture").
Specialist prosthodontists are the recognised experts for the design and fabrication of removable dentures.
Often seen as the despairing end point of a lifetime of dental problems - dentures will for some individuals be the realisation of a healthy, trouble-free mouth. The advent of improved denture resins, stains and artificial teeth, make it possible to recreate a beautiful natural smile.
The fabrication process brings together many areas.
At the same time; we need to know and understand the significant science involved whilst managing, often uniquely different, mouth and jaw shapes, varying muscle skills of the patients receiving the dentures, different expectations and be able to incorporate the "artistry" to make them look entirely natural.
If you'd like to learn more about our treatments or begin your dental journey in our state of the art dental surgery, please contact us today.
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