Edinburgh Dental Specialists
Why should I refer my patient to Edinburgh Dental Specialists?
We were the first, and are still the only, multi-disciplinary specialist dental centre in Scotland, where all patients have to be referred in order to receive an appointment. This means that you can have the confidence that only once they are entirely happy with the treatment received, are your patients returned to you for continuing care, with any follow up or maintenance requirements clearly conveyed.
We are committed to looking after the patients you have entrusted in to our care to the very best of our ability. We have 10 GDC registered specialists and 1 GMC registered specialist and a team of over 30 to ensure that not only will we have the ability, knowledge and skill to manage any dental situation which may arise, but we will also be able to provide your patients with a positive and reassuring dental experience.
Edinburgh Dental Specialists
What is different about Edinburgh Dental Specialists?
We are extremely fortunate to have developed an integrated team of specialists unlike any that you may have come across before. All our specialists are friends who meet weekly in order to discuss the cases referred to them, latest journal articles or report on conferences attended. In this way we, we have an accelerated learning potential and can be sure that we are all up to date with all areas. This horizontal hierarchy means that your patients are not limited to the expertise of any one specialist.
Once a month we open this weekly meeting to referring practitioners. Please do come along to one of these meetings, it as always a pleasure to meet referring practitioners.
Edinburgh Dental Specialists
Can I work with you to provide my patients care?
We are happy to work with you in providing your patients treatment at which ever level you would like. This could be root canal therapy before crown and bridge treatment or implant placement prior to reconstruction.
If you would like to participate in the treatment being provided but do not yet feel you have the skills necessary then please do call us as we run a number of postgraduate courses which may address these areas. If enough practitioners are interested we can arrange a bespoke course. We are also happy to offer a mentoring service for those practitioners that have achieved a degree of experience but still require the confidence and reassurance of a specialist opinion.
We are here for you, and hope that over time we will be able to build a mutually beneficial relationship. Dentistry is at an exciting time with many new ideas and technology becoming available. If you wish to get involved but don't know where to start then do contact us.
Edinburgh Dental Specialists
How much do the specialist services cost?
To view our fees guide please click here
Portman Dental Care Awards